
 ¿Qué ver en Kuiperspoort, Middelburg?

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Kuiperspoort is a historic street in the city center of Middelburg, the capital of the Dutch province of Zeeland. It is known for its picturesque buildings and old-fashioned atmosphere.

There are no entrance fees or opening hours for Kuiperspoort as it is a public street. However, it is recommended to visit during the day when the shops and cafes are open.

Some nearby attractions include the historic abbey complex of Abdij Middelburg, the Zeeuws Museum, and the Lange Jan tower. These attractions have varying opening hours and admission fees, so it is recommended to check their official websites for up-to-date information.

Abdij Middelburg: https://www.middelburg.nl/en/abdy-middelburg
Zeeuws Museum: https://www.zeeuwsmuseum.nl/en/
Lange Jan tower: https://www.zeeland.com/en-gb/visit/attractions/lange-jan-tower-2

(Pregúntas y respuestas para los que viajan a Kuiperspoort)
(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Kuiperspoort)